Friday, January 18, 2013

Life is short. Even shorter if you're a frog.


Shit's about to get serious.

How serious? Stephen Hawking serious. Or as serious as cancer, or AIDS (because that's quite serious too). Or superglue, your cell phone bill, Eskom when you've missed a payment, or... you after an awkward one night stand as a result of a few too many and by the way "how's your mother?"

There are two types of people in life. Those who do things and those who don't. Actually there are a lot more but that's going into a grey area and I don't do grey just like I don't really do pink or brown and definitely never ever all three at the same time.

But not all people who do, get anywhere, just like not all those who don't, achieve nothing. It's a question of what you're doing and not whether you're doing something.

For example: I do a lot on online window shopping and tweeting but I don't do enough work. I manage to maintain a look of productivity while producing absolutely nothing (if you're a prospective client, this isn't the case...uh). And at times when I'm lying on the grass busy daydreaming, it might appear that I'm doing nothing when in fact, I'm coming up with ideas, or making lists, or rearranging my priorities, or doing spot multiplication tests to check if my mental aptitude for maths is still on the decline - all very product things yet all seemingly unproductive (unless you're in my head and you aren't, or if you are just know that even good people have bad thoughts).

And with all this appearing to be busy versus actual busy-ness, we tend to be a bit harsh not only on those who we're managing but on ourselves too. In a world where output is measured by input, do we ever stop to ask "what about the quality of input?" Sure, I'm putting in the hours but what kind of hours are they?

I read somewhere that people live by an 80/20 reasoning. So, it's 80% hard work and 20% fun. But that seems like a lot of work for a little reward and why? Why not flip it around. Sure, you might not become a millionaire but you'll likely be a lot more happy and at the end of the day, what's more important?

Make memories. Not money.

Okay thank you for reading. Have a nice day.