Saturday, November 5, 2011


This is the inaugural post after some sort of "inner" transformation I am experiencing. So brace yourself, this shits about to get deep. 
Like Linda Lovelace deep.

It goes like this. Sometimes bad things happen: You wake up one morning to find that you can't stand your job, or maybe someone has broken your heart. Whatever the reason, whatever the catalyst for your temporary (I use the word temporary because emotions are never permanent. You know the saying "This too shall pass" well that proverb has a point) unhappiness, anxiety, stress, frustration or anger. Consider it nothing more than a sign post, a divine push in the right direction. Even if it feels so wrong. Even if it hurts and especially if you think you'll never recover. Because you will. 

And that's the beauty of life. Of living. Namsate bitches.   

Maisha's guide to getting up when you're feeling down: Sometimes I dance like a lunatic while listening to my favourite songs on my iPod, it helps, I loose myself in the music and I smile. After five minutes of crazy dancing I feel pretty peachy, it might not last because with the return of incessant thought comes the return of unconsciousness, of being wrapped up in my woes-but fuck that shit, I just skip to the next track and start all over again : )