I have fallen in love. It happened in an instant. I was walking past when something caught my eye. I stopped. My heart was racing. I turned and there they were. Just sitting there. Looking at me. I couldn't resist. I went inside. I tried them on. It was as if Heaven itself had opened up and God was smiling down on me. A halo appeared. It was surreal. I took them off. I found the price tag. I nearly fainted. I had to sit down. R2880.00? Why GOD. WHY?????
Wow I just realised I could sell my mountain bike (yes it was a gift but it's not like I use it and at least this way I could maximize on present potential). Or I could sell my little brother-OK well not really because I would get into so much trouble... kidnapping, aiding and abetting, human trafficking, possible murder... Unless no one knew he was missing...
P.S. Human trafficking is very serious. And sad-seriously sad. Which makes me feel significantly shallow and soulless for going on about Gucci shades when little girls and boys alike, just like my little brother only browner (he is very white), are sold for less than what these glasses cost...
Who needs sunglasses when you can squint.
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