Let me start off (quickly) by stating: I am not knocking the personal accomplishments of the famed lady writer. Not at all! I am not one to judge someone's life-especially on their path to seek out balance and spiritual enlightenment. Quite the contrary, high five for pursuing such a noble cause. I do, however, tend to judge a book (admittedly at times even by it's cover). I heard about this book from a girlfriend (who the hell else), um well about the movie and being slightly book obsessed I knew it was based on a book. Now having just finished a book written by Aravind Adiga 'Between the Assassinations' (super deep, tragic, drama deluxe, deliciously well written, at times poetic, that's what one gets from reading a Man Booker Prize winner), I was itching to get something light hearted and inspirational into my system. I found Eat. Pray. Love at a second hand bookstore in good nick. It was in such good condition it actually looked like someone never got past the few first pages... Which, if you read a lot, you'd recognize this as a sign that the book was non troppo buona (not good)!
I am on page 100 and it's like wadding through narcissistic molasses. Thank god there's a bloody movie. And perfume and scented candles and cosmetics...
I think it's imperative to add here that although something is an international best seller-it does not and never will translate into a good read. It's written for the masses and it's proven that the masses can't read, look at the merde they print in tabloids, Jesus, Mary and buckskin clad Joseph.
But what would I know, I'm just a writer of a silly little blog.

Big up for cashing in on the bigtime Liz, nice-nice. Oh and P.S. the movie was equally as weak, like trying to eat watery cabbage soup. Sick. This one's straight to Kindle (ooh what a diss).
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