Monday, January 24, 2011

Girly Tip #1

Never shave the hair off of your arms, because:

1. It takes ages to grow back (2 months in my case)

2. The hair will most likely grow back darker (mine is a lot darker and longer-gross-nearer to my elbow)

3. If your hair is naturally dark (like mine aargh), it looks like you've done something to your arms, kinda like shaving your eyebrows off, you simply KNOW something isn't right.

4. As it grows back it's shorts and it sticks straight up, like an erection. And this, my friends, lends itself to explanation. "Yes my arm hair does look a little weird, it's not a genetically stunted hair, I shaved my arms." To which the reply is always. "Why?" And I have yet to come up with a quantifiable answer that doesn't make me sound like I care to much about my appearance.

So take it from me-not a good idea, leave it alone or get it lasered.

= y

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