The last hippie I know is my Dad, he drives around in a combie, seriously. He doesn't smoke as much as he used to, in fact I don't think he smokes anymore and he definitely gets down to the smooth sounds of the 70s. He puts on the first item of clothing in his cupboard and I've never known him to use deodorant (and no he doesn't smell, well he does when he gets sweaty, but it's not gross - maybe I'm used to it, which is a bit gross?) Anyway, he's the last of a dying breed. That's sad because...
As much as hippies give me the willies, they're cool when they're not parading a cause for cash. Dead are the days when hippies were all about smoking the greens, now they seem to be about the greens and uh spirituality (you know like, whatever's in vogue on the enlightenment front, like). The hippie brethren today have become obsessed with their higher power and this narcissistic pariah parade around in nice cars (what happened to the monk who sold his Ferrari?), at trance parties, poetically preaching 'altruistically' - forming nothing more than a smoke screen for the truth: I AM BETTER THAN YOU.
GREAT POST!! Had to share it on FB :)
ReplyDeleteThanks lass x