[05:00:00 PM] maishafox: [04:47:58 PM] maishafox: kim read the last mail I sent you
[04:48:09 PM] maishafox: and die laughing (well not literally)
[04:57:29 PM] Kim Hawkins: ahahaha,... very funny
[04:58:20 PM] Kim Hawkins: hey. that stuff from Madre, have you saved it?
[04:58:34 PM] maishafox: No I forwarded it onto nom
[04:58:41 PM] Kim Hawkins: cool
[04:58:58 PM] maishafox: word
[04:59:12 PM] maishafox: a cool word is: ice block
[04:59:22 PM] Kim Hawkins: hahahahahahaha
[04:59:32 PM] maishafox: ; )
[04:59:33 PM] maishafox: wow
[04:59:36 PM] maishafox: what a day
[04:59:43 PM] Kim Hawkins: good bad.. lazy?
[04:59:48 PM] Kim Hawkins: you slacking over there aren' you
[04:26:30 PM] Dwight Anderson: I always have plans, I just want to know when you might be joining me for sum of them
[04:28:05 PM] maishafox: what do they consist of?
[04:28:25 PM] Dwight Anderson: What would you like them to consist of...
[04:28:47 PM] maishafox: you eating a lot of bananas
[04:29:04 PM] Dwight Anderson: You calling me a monkey?
[04:29:18 PM] Dwight Anderson: I eat a lot of delicious fruit
[04:29:20 PM] maishafox: well if the shoe fits
[04:30:01 PM] Dwight Anderson: I wouldn't wear shoes if I was a monkey.
[04:30:21 PM] maishafox: but you would iof they were special monkey shoes